Unlock your erotic potential.

Design your ideal relationship.

Celebrate your connection.

Offering specialized sex and relationship therapy that honors your unique cultural background and experience



Let's start a journey of learning and personal development together

You believe there’s more to love and intimacy than the way it feels right now.

But it feels like you’re stuck in repeating patterns, unsure of how to break the cycle.

  • Maybe you feel stuck in a passionless marriage, experience a lack of intimacy, have trouble feeling pleasure, face performance anxiety, or are distressed because you and your partner seem to have mismatched sexual desires.

  • You feel like no matter how hard you try, your partners don’t seem to understand or accept your needs and wants and you regularly end up disappointed and resentful.

  • You may be in a monogamous or non monogamous partnership. Either way, you struggle to negotiate your needs, boundaries and agreements because up to now there hasn’t been a good model for how to be in a relationship that goes beyond traditional role models.

  • You experience cultural differences with your partner. Or, you are an immigrant or expat. Either way, you find it challenging to navigate different cultural norms and societal expectations around relationships and sex.

  • And you want to pin down and communicate your needs and preferences in healthy and empowered ways, and create agreements that honor your boundaries.

Meet Leyla Gulcur, your therapist

Your history is NOT your destiny. Change is possible.

As an individual who straddles several different cultural identities,  I’m here to help you navigate the complexities of sexuality, love and intimacy with an understanding that culture forms the backdrop to many of our ideas about sex and relationships.

I provide a safe, empowering container for individuals of all genders, sexualities, and cultural backgrounds. Whether you’re bicultural, multicultural, an immigrant, or part of LGBTQIA+ or other sexual communities, you can be authentically yourself while navigating questions around sex and relationships. I’ll guide you through every step of your journey, fostering growth and embracing both the painful and joyous moments.

Discover a space where your unique cultural journey is celebrated and explored in my inclusive sex and relationship therapy services. Let's navigate this adventure together.

What Does Culturally Inclusive Therapy Entail?

Culturally inclusive therapy takes into consideration cultural, national, ethnic and spiritual diversity in addition to sexual preferences, gender identity, sexual orientation, social class, etc. The main goal of culturally inclusive therapy is to acknowledge, highlight and take into account how your unique background shapes your experiences.

Your cultural background and experiences may lead you to therapy for different reasons:

  • You come from a blend of cultures or ethnicities and seek to integrate your diverse identities.

  • You’re adjusting to life in a new country.

  • You’re in an intercultural relationship and want to discover how to connect despite your different backgrounds.

  • You feel out of place sexually in your community and seek help in overcoming the challenge of being “different.”

  • You’re navigating a different set of cultural norms and societal expectations around relationships and sex.

  • ​You're someone interested in open or alternative relationships like polyamory, swinging, kink, or BDSM.

If any of these sound familiar, you're in the right spot.

With me, you will have a safe space to explore these and other questions. Here, you will be seen and accepted just as you are and supported for who you want to become.

My specialties are -

  • Discover your erotic power and attain your most authentic and pleasurable self in relationships and sexuality. Click for more detail

  • Explore the depths of intimacy and connection in a safe space. Click for more detail

“In touch with the erotic, I become less willing to accept powerlessness, or those other supplied states of being which are not native to me, such as resignation, despair, self-effacement, depression, self-denial.”

— Audre Lorde

What’s next for you?

1-Schedule a free consultation.

Begin your journey by entering a welcoming and safe space to explore your needs and desires. Let’s get to know each other with a quick chat, where you can tell me about your therapy needs and ask me questions about how I work.

2-Immerse yourself in therapy designed specifically for you.

Each person possesses distinct qualities and cultural backgrounds, and our therapeutic path will acknowledge this diversity. We'll initiate the journey of unraveling your narrative, acquiring new skills and strategies tailored to your empowerment while providing a container for safety and growth. Here, you are free to express laughter, frustration, or tears, with the knowledge that you will have all the space you need to reveal yourself.

3-Experience personal growth & transformation

The work ahead might be tough, but it'll definitely be worth it. We'll tackle things gradually, step by step, so you can move closer to being the person you've always wanted to be. You deserve to feel healthy, happy, and fulfilled—and therapy is here to help you achieve that.

Let’s Connect

Reach out for a free consult about sexual intimacy, matters of the heart and cultural intersections. Don’t be shy, I got you!

Email me directly at lgulcur@leylagulcur.com or fill out the contact form below: